About ZULU Tribe

ZULU TRIBE: Coaching FOR and BY student leaders

Join the ZULU tribe!

This is an invitation to breathe the vivid air, to feel the fire in your heart`s center, and the full flowering of your spirit.

The ZULU tribe is a community of young students who seek fun in the journey towards a happier, healthier, wealthier and wiser future for themselves, the people they care about and their community.

As a member of the tribe, you will learn, research, develop and practice and share a set of skills, habits and strategies that will help you have a vision of what you wish to achieve and will help you reach worthy goals.

We believe that applying and teaching the lifetime skills we learn to help others is the way to truly master them.

You will share advise, ideas,  inspiration,  resources, content, projects and wisdom… You will become a life coach.

You will build an online community that joins teams of young students in setting and achieving worthy goals.

We need your help to build the ZULU tribe…

Please click in this link to download the ZULU Road Map and learn about:


The ZULU online tribe uses many different channels to communicate:

A blog where the students will research and publish content related to skills, habits, strategies, resources, projects and inspiration.
Each student will have to produce content (a post, a podcast and a video) and take responsibility for different aspects of the programming and development of the blog (widgets, graphic, sections).

ZULU TRIBE on Edmodo
An Edmodo group to create a community that serves as a catalyst for team projects to achieve worthy goals.
Within the community, each member has to be somebody’s coach and somebody´s cochee.

ZULU Twitter
An account to promote the contents of ZULU BLOG.

An account to organize the graphic contents of ZULU BLOG.

A Youtube channel to share videos and podcasts related to the skills, habits and strategies that the student research and develop.

An APP for smart phones to access content created by the students, to help carry out specific strategies developed by the students and to coordinate ad track progress of team projects.

Monthly email newsletter for the members and friends of the ZULU tribe.

ZULU COACHING: skills, strategies, habits and inspiration.

During the course, we will cover the topics detailed below. We will explore the concepts, learn and practice the skills with state of the art, interactive, high-impact techniques applied by top business schools.

The method that we will apply is “madness with a method”: highly interactive, based on extensive use of the 5 senses, role plays, video, music, movement and emotions – with special focus on humor and laughter.

Leadership of oneself

Goal setting
Wheel of life
Emotional intelligence
Modeling Best Practice
From good to excellent
Understanding and committing to excellence
Time management
Being Proactive: influence and control
Action and reaction
Personal Constitution
Principle based decision making
Problem solving
Leader vs. Manager


Leading Others

Emotional communication
Public speaking
Reading body language
Active and empathic listening
Controlling Physiology through Basic NLP
Handling difficult conversations
Conveying emotions
Asking questions
Ethos, Logos, Pathos


Team building and development
Forming, norming, storming and performing
Mission statement
Participation and commitment


The students will then have to work in teams to create multimedia content related to each one of the topics for the blog.

33 thoughts on “About ZULU Tribe

  1. |Mis-communication||Discussed Monday 2015-08-24||: I think that it is interesting that communication can be expressed in many ways; body language, eye contact, symbols, etc..I also find it interesting that when Alexander and I were reading they were interpreted in different ways because of the difference in the way we said it and if questions were asked or not.😃😃


  2. |Communication with Feedback||Discussed Monday 2015-08-24||: I think that it is interesting that communication can be expressed in many ways; body language, eye contact, symbols, etc..I also find it interesting that when Alexander and I were reading they were interpreted in different ways because of the difference in the way we said it and if questions were asked or not.😃😃(wrong title


  3. I think it’s crazy that it was harder to draw the squares when you could ask questions because people were asking questions very fast and you could not understand what they were saying.


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